Support Our Work
The best way to support our work is to be actively anti-racist in your day to day life.
Gain a better understanding of racism in all its forms – personal, social, structural and institutional. Challenging racism is easier when you can describe what it is, how it works and why it still exists. Talking about racism and racial justice with other people can also help to build your understanding and theirs. However, remember that people with personal experience of racism aren't there to educate anyone and won't always want to discuss.
Consider your own attitudes, beliefs and behaviours – from the day we’re born, racial stereotypes are all around us. Nobody is immune to this. Identify how stereotypes have impacted your own perspectives and experiences. If you’re white, consider how other people see you and the advantages this brings; you can’t avoid having white privilege, but you can decide how it impacts your actions in life.
Speak out against racism wherever you see it – at work, at home, at school or in your social life. You might be treated badly for speaking out. You will almost certainly feel uncomfortable, at least at first. Persevere, and know your legal rights to protection from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Speak out about institutional racism, too. Ask awkward questions about policies, practices and equality law responsibilities in your organisation, school, university or college.
Support others who speak out – groups of people have a tendency to ‘close ranks’ and try to undermine, dismiss or ignore people who challenge racism. These behaviours are a key factor in maintaining racism and the power structures that underlie it. People often feel that they don't want to get involved, so they stay silent. This only makes it harder for the person challenging racism to be heard. Breaking this pattern by standing up for friends and colleagues is vital.
Be your own activist – Some people choose to join anti-racist activist groups, some show up to counter-protest far right extremists, some attend marches and rallies, some spend Sunday mornings blocking and reporting racist social media accounts. Some stand up against bullying in the school playground, have a coffee with a colleague who’s struggling with racism at work or tell their racist uncle that his jokes aren’t funny. There are no prizes for being the best anti-racist, and the emotional toll means it's important not to forget about your own wellbeing. However you choose to do it - it’s the right thing to do.
Support us directly
CRER is a strategic anti-racist organisation. Our policy and research work highlights the evidence on racial inequalities faced by minority ethnic people in Scotland. We aim to change the structures that underpin racism and racial inequality, and we need all the help we can get.
• Share our publications and resources with decision makers at your organisation, school, university or college
• Follow us on Twitter (X), Facebook and LinkedIn
• Sign up for email updates to hear about our free events, training sessions, publications and resources
Whilst we don't actively fundraise from individual donors, we can accept financial donations through PayPal: CRER PayPal Donate Page. These donations go towards our unrestricted funds, which are used to pay for a wide range of things we don’t have other funding for. This might include, for example, commissioning research, making up for any shortfalls in our core funding, equipment, event costs or design and publication costs. Please note that we don’t provide individual services, so your donations will not go towards service provision activities.