CRER Publications
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Tackling Racism in Scotland's Night-time Economy
Information and guidance for Scottish licensing boards
Anti-Racist Training in Scotland's Public Sector
Ten standards for training from an anti-racist perspective (new edition)
Experiences of Racism in Scotland's Night-time Economy
(Supported by a donation from Sky, being delivered by the Corra Foundation)
Tackling Online Hate
Responding to online hate speech and hate crime
(Supported by a donation from Sky, being delivered by the Corra Foundation)
Ethnicity and Employment in Scotland's Public Sector
Does the public sector workforce reflect the population it serves?
Minority Ethnic Families and Local Child Poverty Reports
Review of the inclusion of BME families in Local Child Poverty Action Reports 2020/21
Anti-Racist Policy Making
Lessons from the first 20 years of devolution
(Commissioned by Scottish Government)
Fostering Good Relations in Scotland
Developing community cohesion through public policy
Ethnicity and Homelessness in Scotland
An analysis of the rates and causes
Black Lives Matter
Do Black Lives Still Matter in Scotland?
Racially Motivated Bullying
Policies and recording in Scotland’s schools
COVID-19 and Ethnicity Microbriefing
Report produced by Glasgow Centre for Population Health in partnership with CRER and the University of Glasgow
Race Equality Training in Scotland's Public Sector
Ten standards for training from an anti-racist perspective
Poverty and Ethnicity in Scotland
Analysis and reflection on the impact of COVID-19
Scottish Specific Equality Duties: Get ready for April 2021
Briefing for public bodies on improving PSED reporting practices.
Scotland’s National Performance Framework: Measuring outcomes for minority ethnic communities
Analysis of progress for minority ethnic groups under Scotland's National Performance Framework.
Minority Ethnic Communities and Housing in Scotland - Room for Improvement?
A briefing on ethnicity and housing data.
Equality in Glasgow 2019
Progress of Glasgow's Public Bodies in Meeting the Scottish Specific Public Sector Equality Duties (November, 2019)
Charity Trustee Ethnicity in Glasgow
An audit of BME representation on Voluntary Sector Boards (July 2019)
Addressing Inclusion
Effectively Challenging Racism in Schools.
Effectiveness of the PSED Specific Duties in Scotland
Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights for the Equality and Human Rights Commission (August, 2018).
Racist Incident Reporting in Scotland's Schools
Analysis and implications for practice (May, 2018).
BME Teachers in Scotland
An overview of the representation of BME Teachers in Scotland’s Local Authorities (2018).
What works? Eight Principles for Meaningful Evaluation of Anti-Prejudice Work
Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights for the Equality and Human Rights Commission (November, 2017).
Minority Ethnic Volunteering in Scotland
Research report exploring experiences, perceptions and reflections on volunteering (September, 2017).
Hate is hate, even when it's online
A guide for to online hate crime for young people.
Equal Pay Duties - Race and Disability
PSED: Get Ready for April 2017 (2016).
Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Alternative (Scotland) report on the United Kingdom's twenty-first to twenty-third periodic reports (July, 2016).
Promoting Good Relations
New Approaches, New Solutions (March, 2016).
Scottish Specific Equality Duties 2017:
Get ready for April 2017 (2016).
Changing the Race Equality Paradigm
Key concepts for public, social, and organisational policy (2016).
Hate Online
A guide to responding to online hate speech and hate crime (February, 2016).
In It Together?
Perceptions on ethnicity, recession, and austerity in three Glasgow communities (2013).
Equality in Glasgow 2013
Glasgow's Public Bodies and the Public Sector Equality Duty (2013).
Scottish Specific Equality Duties 2015:
Get ready for April 2015 (2015).
Equality in Glasgow 2015
Glasgow's Public Bodies Progress on meeting the Public Sector Equality Duty (2016).
Better Impacts: Using the Equality Impact Assessment Duty to Influence Decision Makers
A Guide for Voluntary and Community Organisations in Scotland (2015).
SNAP! What does it mean for race equality?
Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights and Race (2013).
Tackling Racism in Youth Work
Scottish Youth Workers' views on dealing with racist attitudes and behaviours (June, 2013).
The State of the Nation: Criminal Justice
Race and Racism in Scotland (2013).
The State of the Nation: Education
Race and Racism in Scotland (2013).
The State of the Nation: Employment
Race and Racism in Scotland (2014).
Racist Incident Reporting in Scotland's Schools
(December, 2012).
Institutional Racism
Scotland Still Has Far to Go (2012).
Race Equality in Modern Apprenticeships
CRER Seminar Report (June, 2012).
BME Participation and Representation in the 2012 Scottish Local Government Elections
Minority Ethnic Participation (August, 2012).
My Story with Addictions: An insight into the road to recovery
South Glasgow minority ethnic community and problematic drug use (2012).
Policing in 21st Century Scotland from a Race Perspective
CRER Findings (November, 2011).
Scottish Identity and Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in Scotland
An introductory review of literature (November, 2011).