Consultation Responses and Briefings

Operation of the PSED in Scotland
Equality, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee
Financial Considerations When Leaving an Abusive Relationship
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Budget Scrutiny 2025-26
Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Equality and Human Rights Mainstreaming Strategy
Scottish Government
Challenge Poverty Week 2024 Briefing
Black and minority ethnic poverty in Scotland - what you need to know
Call for Evidence for the Independent Review of the Adult Disability Payment
Scottish Government

Post Legislative Scrutiny of the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017
Social Justice and Social Security Committee
Education (Scotland) Bill - Detailed call for views
Education, Children and Young People Committee
Pre-budget 2025-26 scrutiny - Third sector funding principles
Social Justice and Social Security Committee

NHSScotland ‘Once for Scotland’ Workforce Policies
Scottish Government
Democracy Matters
Scottish Government
Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) Bill
Response to Criminal Justice Committee
Call for Views

Education Reform: A Consultation on the provisions of the Education Bill
Scottish Government
Glasgow Culture Strategy 2024 - 2030
Glasgow City Council
A Human Rights Bill for Scotland
Scottish Government

National Outcomes Review
Scottish Government
Community Conversations on the Legacies of Transatlantic Slavery and Colonialism in Glasgow
Glasgow City Council
Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment
Scottish Government

National Discussion on the Future of Education
Scottish Government
Inspection of Early Learning and Childcare
Scottish Government
Is there another way to approach anti-social behaviour?
Scottish Government

Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-25: Consultation
Scottish Government
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: Shadow Report
Council of Europe
A New Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy: Consultation
Scottish Government

Police Complaints, Investigations and Misconduct: A Consultation on Legislation
The Scottish Government
Review of Scottish Mental Health Legislation
The Scottish Government
Data Strategy for Health and Social Care
The Scottish Government

Public Sector Equality Duty Review: Joint Submission by Equality Stakeholders
The Scottish Government
Public Sector Equality Duty Review: Stage Three
The Scottish Government
Public Sector Equality Duty Review: Stage Two
The Scottish Government

Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill
Response to Justice Committee call for views
Inquiry Into Race Equality, Employment and Skills
Scottish Parliament Equalities and Human Rights Committee
Consultation on Amending Scottish Hate Crime Legislation
The Scottish Government

Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Bill
Equalities and Human Rights Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Ethnicity Pay Reporting - Government Consultation
UK Government
A Culture Strategy for Scotland - Draft for Consultation
The Scottish Government

Social Security and In-Work Poverty: Universal Credit
Social Security Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Consultation on the Early Learning and Childcare Service Model for 2020
The Scottish Government
Local Government Workforce Planning and the Scottish Budget
Local Government and Communities Committee, The Scottish Parliament

Consultation on 'A Connected Scotland: Tackling social isolation and loneliness and building stronger social connections'
The Scottish Government
Consultation on Electoral Reform
The Scottish Government
Attainment and Achievement of School Aged Children Experiencing Poverty
Education and Skills Committee, The Scottish Parliament

Consultation on the Fuel Poverty Strategy
The Scottish Government
Consultation on the Education (Scotland) Bill (Empowering Schools)
The Scottish Government
Lord Bracadale Hate Crime Legislation Review
The Scottish Government

Police Scotland's Engagement with BME Communities
Justice Sub-Committee on Policing, The Scottish Parliament
Consultation on the Draft Budget 2018-2019
Equalities and Human Rights Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Joint Equality Sector Response
The Scottish Government

Consultation on the Gender Representation on Public Boards
Equalities and Human Rights Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Consultation on the Social Security
Social Security Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications
Justice Committee, The Scottish Parliament

Equal Protection for Children from Assault
John Finnie MSP - Member's Bill Proposal
Scotland's strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls
The Scottish Government
Consultation on City Regional Deals
Local Government and Communities Committee, The Scottish Parliament

Policing 2026 - Draft Strategy
Police Scotland
Consultation on Teacher Workforce Planning for Scotland's Schools
Education and Skills Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Consultation on the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill
Social Security Committee, The Scottish Parliament

Consultation on the Draft Gender Representation on Public Boards
The Scottish Government
Consultation on NHS Governance - Creating a Culture of Improvement
Health and Sport Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Consultation on the Gender Pay Gap
Economy, Jobs, and Fair Work Committee, The Scottish Parliament

Homelessness in Scotland: Racial Equality Briefing
Local Government and Communities Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Removing Barrers: Race, Ethnicity, and Employment
Equalities and Human Rights Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Racial Equality and Parliamentary Reform
The Commission on Parliamentary Reform

Consultation on Personal and Social Education
Education and Skills Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Consultation on Bullying and harassment of children and young people in schools
Equalities and Human Rights Committee, The Scottish Parliament
Diversity and Inclusion in the Scottish Parliament
Commission on Parliamentary Reform

Equality Outcomes Review
Police Scotland
Social Security in Scotland
The Scottish Government
Scottish Health Survey Questionnaire Content
The Scottish Government

Consultation on a Child Poverty Bill for Scotland
The Scottish Government
Review by Baroness McGregor-Smith on the Issues Faced by Businesses in Developing Black and Minority Ethnic Talent
UK Government, Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy
Draft Strategic Police Priorities for Scotland
The Scottish Government

Draft Code of Practice for Stop and Search
The Scottish Government
Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 - Participation Requests
The Scottish Government
Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 - Community Planning
The Scottish Government

Review of Scottish Strategic Police Priorities
The Scottish Government
Creating a Fairer Scotland
The Scottish Government
Introduction of diversity succession planning
The Scottish Government

Scotland's Census 2021 - Topic Consultation
National Records of Scotland
Scottish Household Survey - Consultation on the 2017 Survey
The Scottish Government
Implications for Scotland of the Repeal of the Human Rights Act and the Introduction of a British Bill of Rights
European and External Relations Committee, Scottish Parliament

Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill
The Scottish Government
Women and Work Inquiry
The Scottish Government
The Registration of Civil Partnerships and Same Sex Marriage
The Scottish Government

Review of Scottish Parliament Cross Party Groups
The Scottish Government