The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights works to eliminate racial discrimination and harassment and to promote racial justice across Scotland.

  • What we do

    CRER’s work tackles structural racism in Scotland using evidence based and rights based approaches. We undertake research, policy development, lobbying, campaigning, network building and more across all areas where racial injustices persist.

  • Support our Work

    The best way to support our work is to be actively anti-racist in your day to day life.We aim to change the structures that underpin racism and racial inequality, and we need all the help we can get. There are a wide range of ways to support our work; everyone can get involved.

  • Racism in Scotland

    CRER’s work challenges structural racism in Scotland. Structural racism operates on different levels - personal, social and institutional. We can only tackle it if everyone understands it, so clear, accessible approaches to talking about racism are important.

Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights

CRER is a Scottish strategic racial equality charity, based in Glasgow. We are focused on working to eliminate racial discrimination and harassment and promote racial justice across Scotland.

Black History Month

The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights has co-ordinated Scotland’s Black History Month programme since 2001. Every year, a huge range of organisations and grassroots groups come together to make it happen. Find out more on our dedicated Black History Month Scotland website.


Race Equality Framework 2016-30

The Race Equality Framework for Scotland 2016-30 is the main national strategy on race equality. This was developed from the ground up. CRER supported 400 minority ethnic people to get involved through our Community Ambassadors Programme, as well as 300 workers in the public, voluntary, academic and trades union sectors.

Recent publications →

  • Tackling Racism in Scotland's Night-time Economy

  • Anti-Racist Training in Scotland's Public Sector

  • A blue front page showing a stylised illustration of a Black man. Behind him is a row of drinks being prepared.

    Experiences of Racism in Scotland's Night-Time Economy